7 Sept 2017




So we’ve established that you are here to teach and also
established that you are willing to do say go where is needed.

So now we come to the theory......

What theory do you need to develop to understand what you
are potentially going to teach?

At the very least you need to learn a step by step process
to teach.

Or you can take it to the very top of the mountain and
develop a completely new methodology. And let me tell you it takes a great deal
of time because you have to immerse yourself in concepts that are difficult to

My methodology consists of:

Forum Theatre (I performed professionally in over 100 shows)
Analytical Psychology (I developed a model of the Archetype)
And Philosophy (I have adapted Hegel’s dialectic for my

I immersed myself in each of these disciplines in order for
me to conquer my mountain. I am still climbing. It’s a mountain that has no
summit. So it’s very tiring.

But what it generates for me is my life’s journey..........

So what price does this come at ................... it is
the cost of understanding!!!!!

So it’s cheap in monetary value but priceless in equivalent value.

I have become the master at my own life.......

Now before you say I can’t
let me tell you this:

I have been beaten
Raped twice..............
Hospitalized twice and jailed for 12 hours

I left school with no qualifications and a school report
that basically said I was stupid and had no ability.

I have failed so many times I can’t remember the number.....

I got thrown out of University once.

And because I have no masks on and I am a live being I am
seen as very strange and a bit mad.

Ok I am a bit mad ........................ if you want to do
anything close to what I am doing you have to get mad

Because if you’re mad enough the world will sit up and
listen even if it is out of curiosity.

You have got to be mad to

A) Climb an invisible mountain that has no summit
B) To think that you even can
C) To enable others to follow you
D) Spend a ridiculous amount of time on your own working
through the process.

Good Luck with that.....

It is possible ................... believe!!!!!!!

Blessings Alix x x x

28 Aug 2012

Please sign your posts!

Hi everyone, 
As we are many authors in this blog, it is important that each one signs her posts and maybe give a personal contact if necessary in order to know who is who.
Thanks, Mariana Villani

Hola a todas,
Como somos muchas autoras en este blog, es importante que cada una firme sus publicaciones y deje un contacto personal si fuese necesario para poder saber quién es quién.
Gracias a todas, Mariana Villani

14 Apr 2012

Finally a Book

Well it looks like I finally have a book at last and I am so pleased and enthralled that I took on this task in the first place, It has been a long road and a difficult one at times. I am not quite there but at least I now see the end of the beginning of this big project.

11 Jun 2011

Teatro Imagen y Sanación

Hola a tod@s, esta es mi primera entrada en el blog y quiero compartirles una experiencia que tuvimos hace poco con Teatro Imagen en una ciudad al sur de México, en Tabasco, donde comencé a trabajar con TO este año.

Se trataba de un ejercicio muy sencillo de Teatro Imagen, donde trabajábamos algunas imágenes de opresión para transformarlas a través de estatuas en otras que representaran una situación ideal, un cambio. ¿Han usado este ejercicio? A pesar de que llevábamos poco tiempo trabajando con TO, el grupo ya estaba (y está) bastante integrado pues llevan años de conocerse y hacer teatro, danza y música juntos.

Estábamos muy animados en el ejercicio cuando una de las participantes decidió probar a hacer una escultura y en un segundo estalló en llanto. La opresión que estaba manifestando en su escultura era un abuso sexual. Todo el grupo se conmocionó, se hizo un silencio sepulcral. La participante continuó con su trabajo y comenzamos a integrar a otros participantes para hacer la transición de la situación opresiva a la ideal. Todos participaron en silencio y con mucho respeto, dando ideas geniales y poderosas para la transformación. La chica que estaba haciendo el ejercicio observaba todo atentamente, las lágrimas escurrían por su rostro.

Cuando finalizó el ejercicio, después de ver varias propuestas por aproximadamente cuarenta o cincuenta minutos, el grupo se unió en un abrazo.

La participante nos compartió después que esa opresión la vivió cuando era niña y jamás la había contado a nadie. Fue sorprendente escuchar el testimonio de otros participantes que se abrieron a contar sus experiencias dolorosas referentes al abuso sexual infantil. Lo cierto es que fue enriquecedor y catártico para todos. Cuando terminó la sesión, la chica que realizó el ejercicio era otra, se le veía más ligera y me dijo "sentía una opresión en el pecho siempre, y ahora ya no la siento. Me siento bien"

He participado en muchos grupos de teatro, en algunos grupos de ayuda, en terapias, en cursos de desarrollo humano, de yoga, de risaterapia, de psicodrama, y jamás vi una sanación tan poderosa.

¡Que viva el TO! ¡Que viva Boal! ¡Y que vivan todos los multiplicadores alrededor del planeta!

18 Apr 2011

feminismos y TO

Hola a todas (voy a traducir con un traductor on-line asi que pido disculpas de antemano porque no se como va a quedar) En realidad es cortito, es una pregunta, un tema sobre el que me apetecía discutir y es sobre los vícunlos entre el Teatro del Oprimido y los feminismos, es el TO feminista por definición?
A mi personalmente, como se que a algunas de nosotras porque ya lo hemos ido hablando por ahi, me sorprende como coinciden: convertir lo personal en político, partir de las experiencias propias, no hablar por la otras, cuestionar relaciones de poder y dominación...

Pienso en el TO como metodología de investigación feminista. No se si tenéis referencias sobre esto o vuestra propia experiencia...o ideas que se os ocurran....

bueno pues esto que es en lo que ando.... igual cuando tenga mas cosas podré subirlas por aquí para poder comentarlas entre todas


Hi all (I will translate with a translator on-line so I apologize in advance because itis not how it would look)
Actually it is very short, is a question, a subject on which I wanted to discuss and its on the vincles between the Theatre of the Oppressed and feminisms, its TO feminist by definition?
For me personally, as it is for many of us because we've been talking about, the similarities are amazing: to turn the personal into the political, to start from the own experiences, not to speak for the others, issues of power and domination ...

I'm thonk in the TO as a feminist research methodology. I don't know if you have references about this or your own experience ... or ideas you can think of ....

well its what I am thinking about.... maybe when I have more things I canupload them here to discuss them among all

Hugs !!!!!

2 Mar 2011

Pre-estreno Teatro Foro - Barcelona

Tengo el agrado de invitarles al pre-estreno / ensayo abierto para amig@s, de la pieza que venimos creando con L'Aranya:

(dos minutos desde la estación de RENFE Torre Baró)

Teatro Foro:

(título "in proggress" ;-)

14 May 2010

Grundtvig project on Theatre of the Oppressed and Feminism

Dear Friends,

We are very pleased to tell you that our Grundtvig project * on Theatre of the Oppressed and Feminism was accepted.

This project was designed as a continuation of and a more in-depth look at the meetings that occurred in Rio de Janeiro and in Graz on feminism and TO. To have participated in those meetings is not compulsory but we wish to have representatives of Theatre of the Oppressed groups that already deal with the issue of Women’s oppression as participants of this project.

21 Feb 2010

Documentation Women Power -Grazz 2009- (falta traducción!)

World Forum Theatre Festival 2009, Austria

1.Meeting of Female Jokers/Open Space: 28.10.2009, 14.00 – 16.00
2.The Role of Female Jokers in contemporary Theatre of the Oppressed: 29.10.2009, 14.00 – 16.00

4 Dec 2009

TV Feminista

Assista em:

298 videos / 6 subscribers


UNIVERSIDADE LIVRE FEMINISTA - Vídeos da luta feminista por um mundo sem machismo, sem fundamentalismos e sem lesbofobia. Estes vídeos são utilizados como materiais de debates em cursos e programas de formação da Universidade Livre Feminista - feminismo.org.br

22 Nov 2009

Street Theatre Performance in Feminist Demonstration in Turkey from Boyali Kus

On the 9th of November a demonstration took place in Turkey, against the reduction of penal sentences due to 'unjust provocation'. In other words, here, when, for instance, a man kills his wife but then says that she was wearing jeans, or make up, or had a slight resemblance to a certain porn star, that this made him angry, and thus he was ‘provoked’, the punishment he gets will be reduced due to ‘unjust provocation’. This was what we were protesting against as part of an international campaign to promote human rights across Muslim societies, called "One Day one Struggle". Tiyatro Boyali Kus had a street theatre performance as part of this demonstration.

11 Nov 2009

Lets start a discussion! Comencemos a discutir!

Como primera discusión en el blog, y ante la propuesta de varias compañeras, creo que un buen modo de comenzar a intercambiar ideas, opiniones, conceptos es preguntarnos y compartir qué es lo que entendemos por feminismo...

ahí dejo la idea y espero que comience el diálogo!!!

Un gran abrazo

As the first discussion of the blog, and because of the proposal of some collegues, I think a good way to start to exchange ideas, opinions and concepts is ask amongst ourselves and share what it is we understand by feminism...

i'll leave the idea there and hope the dialogue begins!!!

big hugs

La presentación de la red en Rio - The introduction of the network in Rio (English, Castellano, Frances)

Trans-cultural Alliances in Solidarity: The Women’s Countenance within TO Presentation of a collectively written paper at the Jokers’ Conference in Rio on the 22nd of July 2009 by Xris Reardon, Mariana Villani, Agneta Josephson, Michele Decottignies, Birgit Fritz

Coclusions from Rio - Conclusiones de Rio English/Castellano

This are the conclusions from the discussion table about oppression against women in the International Coference of TO in Rio.

Grazz conclusions - Conclusiones Grazz (falta traducir a spanish)

WOMEN’S POWER – Open Space, 28.10.2009, 14.00 – 16.00, JUFA World Forum Theatre Festival 2009, Austria